Current Distractions, October 2010 Edition

Current Distractions is the feature where I tell you a story and give you some links to sweet stuff on the internet, in an effort to distract you from my laziness.

A Story

This month I bought a new car, and the process of learning how to drive it (I'd never learned to drive standard before), test driving, and then actually purchasing it has been terrifying and thrilling. The car I had previously, a trusty old thing named Vlad, was the first and only car I'd ever had. I lost my driving virginity in it, and we had numerous good times together over the years. But Vlad needed to retire, and for the past year we'd really been growing apart. I know this isn't really much of a story, but it's seriously the number one thing that's happened this month.

The alternative is to tell you about how me and my friend Simon accidentally wore the same outfit a couple Sundays ago, or how the other day I asked a coworker on crutches what he'd "done to himself," only to discover that it was due to some kind of disease(?). OOPS.

Some Links

Since I anticipate that I won't actually be posting as much as I'd like next month, please feel free to peruse the highly awesome Fear Street and BSC blogs, which are doing something similar to the romnov side of my project (which I'll have an update about soon, I swear!), but quite possibly much better.

Also it turns out that I am by no means unique when it comes to the Top 100 books, either, and you might be interested in having a look at Alli Rense's blog (be warned, she's got an English degree, and is even slower with The List than I am) and 100 Books/100 Journeys (a soccer mom, impossibly far ahead of me). Both of these ladies at least agree with me in their assessments of The Ginger Man, which is more than I can say for certain of my so-called friends.

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